Here is a brief history of how Earth was formed.
13.77 billion years ago big bang.
Hydrogen atoms come together to form stars.
Fusion occurs in stars to form heavier elements.
Stars explode as red dwarfs matter blasted into the universe.
Every element heavier than hydrogen has been formed in a star.
Matter drawn together to form more stars, planets, meteorites and dust clouds.
4.7 billion years ago earth forms
4.5 billion years ago Theira crashes into earth forming the moon.
Earths crust re forms volcanoes form and erupt with steam.
Oceans form
Continental drift reorganises the lighter granite continental crust floating on the basaltic oceanic crust moving at approximately 6cm a year or 60km per million years.
3,6 billion years ago simple cell life
Continent of Rodina 1 billion years ago to 750 million years ago
600 million years ago complex life
475 million years ago plants on land
300 million years ago continent of pangea
200 million years ago pangea breaks into continents of gondwanaland and laurasia
mammals start to evolve
180 million years ago south america, australia, antarctica split
80-50 million years ago rocky mountains form
40-50 million years ago india impacts asia to form himalayas.
45 million years ago andes formed by ocean plate going under south american plate.
40 million years ago monkeys raft to south america
34-23 million years ago africa impacts europe to form alps.
5million years ago panama formed linking north and south america.
2.5 million years ago genus homo
1.8 million years ago to 300 000 homo erectus Africa spain china java
200000 years ago modern humans
50000 years ago Australia reached
25000 years ago neandertal dissapear